April 20

Squak Mountain Trail Race 12K-Half-50K

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Squak Mountain Trail Race + Woodland Speeders Kids Race in Issaquah Washington

Squak Mountain will take your breath away – both the views and the elevation gain! It’s not our steepest climb, but your quads will get a good workout, and it will be worth every step! While only a short drive from Seattle, Squak Mountain State Park feels like a wilderness solitude. The park features miles of well-maintained trails and beautiful views of the surrounding mountains.

In honor of Earth Day, the first 150 people to register for the half, 50K or 12K will receive a free Western Red Cedar seedling at the race. Read up more here about the importance of the Western Red Cedar to Native peoples.


Woodland Speeders program, Evergreen Trail Runs offers free kid’s races at all events. Parents are welcome to run with their kiddos. You can register your child during the registration process for your own race or sign them up later. The course at Squak is a fun interpretive nature loop with good singletrack, flat, and is 0.5 miles long. See schedule below for start time.

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