November 19, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

FREE Pet-Friendly Guided Hike around Park Pointe / Lake Tradition Plateau

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FREE, Pet-Friendly, Guided Hike around Park Pointe / Lake Tradition Plateau in Issaquah Washington

Join IATC’s Nicole Assumpcao on a fall hike around the City of Issaquah’s Park Pointe property and the western half of the Lake Tradition Plateau. Enjoy the scenery and some fresh air while giving your four-legged friend(s) ample room to explore new sights and smells.

This hike will start just outside the Issaquah Sportsmen’s Club (and its sometimes booming sounds of those using the gun range) and first travel through Park Pointe (and leaving the Sportsmen’s Club behind), then north to the Brink and Big Tree Trails on the Lake Tradition Plateau, then join the Wetlands Trail before returning to Park Pointe via the High School Trail.

Be aware, however, the hike will begin and end near the loud noises from the Sportsmen’s Club, which might not be for everyone.

Registration required. On-leash pets allowed.

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