November 29

Discover Pass Free Day in Honor of Autumn Day

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No Discovery Pass Required in State Parks TODAY in Honor of Autumn Day

You won’t need a Discover Pass when visiting Washington State Parks, Department of Natural Resources or Fish and Wildlife lands on free days.

Please note, free days apply only to day use parking, all other fees still apply.

Sno-Park permits are required on free days at all Sno-Parks from Nov. 1 through March 31.

State Park Pass Pack Check Out WA at Library

And on NON-Free days, did you know that you can check out a FREE Discovery Pass from the Issaquah Library? It is called “Check Out Washington.” The kit checks out for 14 days and the Discover Pass may be used on lands managed by: Washington State Parks, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, and Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.

WA State Parks logo

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