May 4 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Kentucky Derby Party at Pickles Playland

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Kentucky Derby Party at Pickles Playland in Historic Downtown Issaquah Washington

Think indoor dog park but with a touch of class and full of new friends.
Relax throughout the play room and mingle with new friends, or take a guided tour of wines as your host describes what makes each one unique, the wineries they came from, and the vintners that produced them.
As a fun added bonus enjoy the Kentucky Derby race!
This is a great event for those wanting to socialize their puppies to environments that simulate being out in the big world, for summer shenanigan preparations. You do not have to bring a dog with you!
Casual or fancy attire, however you want to join come on down! BRING ON THE BIG HATS for the hat contest!

$15 per person. Adults 21+ only. To register, Click Here

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