Joe Mabel, CC BY-SA 3.0
Gun and Archery Range at Issaquah Sportsmen’s Club
This club is proud to be a member of the Issaquah community and has been serving sportsmen since 1920. The firing range provides a safe place for both the public and members to shoot, and the facilities are utilized by many local and state organizations. The range is a place where sports enthusiasts can hone their skills while observing safe firearms handling and shooting. There is also an archery range available for members only and their guests.

Gun Range
The firing range is a safe place for both the public and members to shoot. The range is a place where sports enthusiasts can hone their skills while observing safe firearms handling and shooting.

The Range Consists of multiple targets ranging from 20 to 65 yards. Including a 40-yard broadhead sand pit. Only certified members will be given access to the archery range. You must take a short orientation exam to become ISC archery certified.
23605 SE Evans Street
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