September 21, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Opening Artist Reception: Matthew DeFilippo

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Meet the Artist! Matthew DeFilippo

Happy Time Studio, located in the historic downtown Issaquah Creative District, is bringing another thought provoking gallery show to the studio.

Meet artist Matthew DeFilippo on Saturday, September 21, from 5pm-8pm.

Artist Statement
I haven’t painted figuratively in some time. With the sudden passing of my cousin Maria, I was brought back to the figure. This year also marked the passing of my beloved cat of fifteen years, Jasper. And then, most recently and sadly, my eighty one year old father passed away.

“Shadows of Life” is an investigation into understanding my own uninhibited reaction to death, loss, and to the inevitable passing of all living things. Through color and form, and through the figure, this series attempts to fully embrace and reflect on the range of emotions that come with death – including the strange, the uncommon, the taboo, and everything in between.

How do I grieve? Am I grieving correctly? Will I find comfort through this, from this? Who will comfort me? These paintings seek to challenge the viewer’s narrative around death. I hope they bring some sort of comfort as well as reflection.

Visit Matthew DeFilippo’s website

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