New Speaker Series: Lake Sammamish State Park Perspectives
Come enjoy the food and beverage and join a discussion of Issaquah’s history and the effects on Lake Sammamish State Park. The first in a new speaker series sponsored by Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park and hosted by Formula Brewing.
About the event
The speakers will be talking about a wide range of topics, including the growth and development of this community, as well as the concepts that led to the creation of Lake Sammamish State Parks and the open spaces of our community.
Come as your are. No registration required.
A discussion of Issaquah’s history and the effects on Lake Sammamish State Park. Speakers will include:
Paul Winterstein, Executive Director, Issaquah History Museums
Rich Benson, the longest serving park manager for LSSP and keeper of the oral history of the park
Cristy Lake of Snoqualmie Valley History Museum
Isabel Smith, Senior Researcher of Racially Restrictive Covenants Program at the University of Washington