September 17, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Harvest Moon Celebration

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Harvest Moon Celebration at Art Sanctuary

The Labyrinth of Lanterns is an autumn activation at the NEW Arts Sanctuary and the inaugural installation by the newly-formed Issaquah Arts.

The community is invited to drop off DIY made lanterns made from large-sized aluminum cans. You will be inspired by this sneak preview of the labyrinth; an incredible community art project intended to celebrate art, nature, and spirit.

The Art Sanctuary is located inside a large and unused portion of the Our Savior Lutheran Church at 745 Front Street South just outside the historic downtown Issaquah Creative District. Art Sanctuary and this series of autumn arts activations, workshops and gatherings are a collaboration between Issaquah Arts and the arts-loving leadership and congregation at Our Savior Lutheran Church. 

Art Sanctuary is a safe and welcoming space, inclusive of ALL people, locals and visitors.

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