September 22, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Guided Walk Through a Labyrinth of Lanterns

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Guided Walk through a Labyrinth of Lanterns Guided by the Issaquah Alps Trails Club

Join the Issaquah Alps Trails Club for a guided walk through a Labyrinth of Lanterns, part of the Issaquah Arts’ month-long Autumn Activation at the Arts Sanctuary. This enchanting festival, running from September 5 to October 6, will showcase art installations, events, and workshops that celebrate art, nature, and spirit.

If you can’t join IATC on this guided tour, not to worry! Issaquah Arts has an incredible lineup of events and workshops planned between September 5 and October 6.

Issaquah Arts is located in a large unused part of the Our Savior Luthern Church and the labyrinth will be located behind the building on the church project. The Arts Sanctuary is a collaboration between Our Savior Luthern Church and the newly formed Issaquah Arts nonprofit, arts advocacy organization.

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